Episode 2 What is Kindness?

 Good Afternoon, 

I hope everyone had a wonderful week delving into the concept of kindness and how it manifests in our lives. I received positive feedback from the students about how much they enjoyed engaging in the game with their families at home.

This week, let's explore the concept of kindness. Kindness is "being helpful, generous, and considerate" (Gregory, n.d.). It encompasses acts of compassion, empathy, and goodwill toward others.

This week in the classroom, we will explore the concept of kindness and its impact on our well-being. We will discuss how performing unexpected acts of kindness can positively affect our mental, physical, and social/emotional health. This learning will also focus on fostering stronger student relationships within the classroom. 

This week, I plan to observe the classroom with binoculars, looking for students who demonstrate kindness toward their peers. When I see a student showing kindness to another, I will reward them with a kindness sticker and praise them for their thoughtful actions.

Here is a link that will help you teach the word Kindness at home; I will use some of the same language in the classroom. 

 One way students can show kindness in the classroom. Help one another with the dress-up clothes. 

Here is Day 1:

Day 1: Teach the Difference Between Kind and Nice

On day one of your month of kindness activities for kids, teach them the difference between "nice" and "kind."

  • Nice: doing what is expected to please those around you
  • Kind: showing empathy and being willing to stand up for what is right

Create a poster with a column for "kind" and a column for "nice." Have the kids write suggestions on sticky notes (or offer pre-written options) and put them in the column where they think the options belong.

Discuss each note to agree if they are in the correct columns. It's okay to put a few in the middle—context can matter.

Once you've agreed upon which notes go in which column, hang the poster on the wall.

Thank you for reading my blog. Remember, if you have any questions, please reach out. Enjoy your week with your child learning about Kindness. 


biglifejournal.com. (n.d.). 31 Kindness Activities for Kids. Big Life Journal. https://biglifejournal.com/blogs/blog/kids-kindness-activities

Gregory, L. (n.d.). Teaching Compassion with Kindness Activities for Preschoolers. Mybrightwheel.com. https://mybrightwheel.com/blog/kindness-activities-for-preschoolers

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What is Kindness?

 Hi Everybody,    Today, we are diving into the concept of kindness, a fundamental value that resonates deeply with all of us. As children t...