Episode 1


First, thank you for taking the time to read my blog. This will be my main form of communication throughout the school year, and I will keep you posted about how we are showing and using kindness within the classroom.

Check out the "All About Me" section on the right side of the screen. Feel free to read the information, and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. This is a safe space for us to communicate and share strategies for preschool and home. I hope you enjoy the information I'm sharing today.

Today, we are diving into the concept of kindness, a fundamental value that resonates deeply with all of us. As children take their first steps into preschool, they bring diverse backgrounds and experiences. One of the most crucial aspects of integrating them into a classroom setting is observing how they interact and connect with one another. I find myself revisiting this vital lesson every school year, adapting my approach based on the unique dynamics and personalities of each new group of students I encounter. I am so HAPPY you are here.

The students will be learning how to use their social and emotional learning skills. Incorporating kindness into the curriculum can help create a POSITIVE classroom environment that extends to their homes. To effectively instill these behaviors in students, it's essential to communicate with parents and use consistent language. For instance, reinforcing concepts such as using gentle hands, speaking kind words, and practicing active listening can contribute to a nurturing and supportive classroom atmosphere. 

Cut, sort, and paste kind actions such as giving a gift and unkind actions like throwing an ice cream in the ground with this Kindness Activity Printable


            Here is a fun activity to do at home with your child. You can play the game one-on-one or as a whole family. Make sure to talk about how the picture is showing kindness. Here is the Link to the game if you would like more copies:https://homemadeheather.com/free-preschool-kindness-activity-printables/

This week, take some time to reflect on the concept of kindness and how it will play a pivotal role in your classroom. This will also help the parents use the same role at home with their children. Remember the importance of setting an example, fostering a supportive atmosphere, and cultivating a safe environment. As you ponder these thoughts, remember that Kindness can spread and positively impact those around you. 


A Culture of Kindness in Early Childhood Classrooms. (n.d.). Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/article/culture-kindness-early-childhood-classrooms/

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What is Kindness?

 Hi Everybody,    Today, we are diving into the concept of kindness, a fundamental value that resonates deeply with all of us. As children t...